PaudurHill (Khare) Raptor Migration Update 5 Oct – Day 20

Steppe Eagle (Juvenile)
First Steppe Eagle Arrived

Warm greetings !!!
I have joined again in the migration counting after the completion of National workshop on “National RED Data Book”, Carol and Tim Inskipp were the chief persons.
Now we are having a pleasant weather in the lookout however it is still hot because of strong sunlight during the daytime. My face and arms are really turning to black due to strong sunlight; therefore I have brought SPF60 sunscreen lotion. I hope this will help me. On the southern side of the lookout the paddy field is starting to turn into yellowish color and looking beautiful and northern Himalayas are shining most of the time.
Mostly we are getting south wind of average speed of 5 km/hr. Today it was mostly clear sky therefore most of the birds were very high. Mostly the swallows were migrating very high. Till date we have already get more than 300 raptors, 2500 red-rumped swallows, 1100 Barn swallows, 1000 dragonflies as well as many resident raptors. Today it was a great day for red-rumped swallows – we got more than 600. Also the first Steppe Eagle of the season crossed the migration boundary line in Nepal. The first arrival was a first year bird. The bird appeared directly from the east just above the Hyanjakot (the front hill) and directly flew west. Three Black Eagles were displaying very close to the lookout very close to the ground (below eye level) and made all the moment exciting.  Other migrants seen earlier are continuing their journey in this week.  


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