Raptor Migration Summary- Thoolakharka Nepal, 21 Nov, 2013

After many days of constant sun the weather pattern broken and we have more cloudy days since last three days. In the morning the Himalayas almost clear and quickly clouds build up due to the cooling up of saturated air. This making a weather better for the migration. In the last two days Steppe eagle Migration is really peaking up (around 2200 Eagle passed in last two days)- mostly adult birds about 80%. This is really important to have a team work for the aging of eagles, therefore Henk, Bob, Sandesh and me divided our duty, therefore it was possible to age most of the birds that passed overhead. There was also continues steam of eagle from the Himalayas side as we became alert on that. Now we hope to get average of 500 eagles per day for few days.  Beside these we are observing the migration of Cinereous, Himalayan  and Griffon Vulture too.


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