Khare (Nepal) Raptor Migration Update 10 Nov – Day 56

Now the weather is changing here, lot of cloud yesterday and today. The cloud is pushing the birds very low and even below the eye level. Some birds come very low towards the south slope of north lookout. Therefore it is a great possibility to escape few birds. We are very careful about this because Bob, Henk and Venesha are helping me on the spotting and counting of the birds. We are at the peak of Steppe Eagle migration and every day average of 400 Eagles cross the watch side. Now the total number of Steppe Eagles is close to 3000. Therefore some hours goes very busy for spotting, counting and ageing of the Steppe Eagles. At this time we are getting mostly adult birds and few first year birds and average number of Sub-Adults. Today we barely got the sunshine and there was a ground cloud so it was cold enough too. In the late afternoon many eagles were seen landed over the slopes down to the lookout for the overnight. We hope tomorrow  they will start migration very soon.  Migration of other raptors is really slow now 


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