Final Update - Raptor Migration Study in Thoolakharka (Nepal)- autumn 2013
Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis) - first plumage or juvenile bird The autumn migration study of the raptors in Thoolakharka Nepal has been completed from 8 Dec 2013 that was started from 15 September (total of 85 days). In total we have counted 35 species of migrating raptors ( 13,485 individuals) with highest number of 8684 Steppe Eagles. Other migrant raptor species were 11 species of Eagles, Five species of Vultures, Six species of Falcons, Three species of Buteos , Two species of Accipiters , Four species of Harriers, Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) , Oriental Honey-buzzard (Pernis ptilorhyncus), Black kite ( Milvus migrans) and Black-eared Kite (Milvus lineatus). Steppe Eagle migration was started from 7th October and continued till last of the season with highest number of 308 Steppe eagles per hour in 21 Nov and highest daily count of 1102 eagles on 20 Nov. In Thoolakharka watch site approximately 57% (4967) Steppe Eagles passing overhead were aged; among them we identifie...